Note that it is recommended to install the camera with the FarmCam 2.0 app before adding it to the Windows application.
Download the FarmCam 2.0 application for Windows here:

In the FarmCam 2.0 Windows application you can view your camera in Live View and in Playback. Below you can find an explanation of the different functions in the application.

Live View

1. Add camera. If you click on the plus sign (+) you can add your cameras to the FarmCam 2.0 Windows application. In the following link  you can find instructions on how to add the camera:

2. Settings. If you click on the cogwheel next to the name of the camera you will access the settings for an individual camera.

3. Live View. Shows the live view of the camera.

4. Playback. In playback you can see videos recorded by the camera. More information about playback can be found below.

5. Lock Screen. By clicking on the padlock you can lock the app to ensure that unauthorized people can't access your cameras. You can add a password to the lock screen in settings. 

6. Settings. Click on the cogwheel to access the Windows application's settings.

7. Collapse/Expand. If you click on collapse the camera menu in the left hand column will be removed (see the left image below). It will reappear by clicking on the same button again (expand).

8. Arrows. If you have multiple cameras this function allows you to easily switch between them.

9. Scrollview. If you have multiple cameras you can activate scrollview and it will automatically switch between your cameras based on a set time. You can change the scrollview time in settings. For example, if the scrollview time is set to 10 second it will show the first camera for 10 seconds before switching to the next camera.

10. Talk. Allows you to talk through the camera's speaker. This feature is available for FarmCam 360/360S and FarmCam Mobility/Mobility S.

11. Time-lapse. With this function you can create a time-lapse with you cameraThis feature is available for FarmCam 360/360S and FarmCam Mobility/Mobility S. See the following link for instructions 

12. Audio alarm. Turns on the camera's alarm. This feature is available for FarmCam 360/360S and FarmCam Mobility/Mobility S.

13. Clip. Allows you to zoom in on a specific area in the image. This is for viewing live only and it is not possible to do a manual recording while using clip. This feature is available for FarmCam 360/360S and FarmCam Mobility/Mobility S. 

14. PTZ. Pan-Tilt-Zoom. Allows you to shift the camera. This feature is available for FarmCam 360 and FarmCam 360S.

15. Record. Allows you to make a manual recordings.

16. Snapshot. Takes a picture of the screen.

17. Stream. Allows you to change the quality of the video. The alternatives are High (clear) or Low (fluent).

18. Volume. Controls the volume.

19. Split. Gives you several options to split the screen allowing you to see multiple cameras at the same time (see the image on the right below). There are several different options available.

20. Full Screen. The app will open in full screen.

 Collapse                                                                                    Split


1. Date. Select the day for which you want to view recordings from.

2. Timer. Is used to sort your videos. If only timer is activated (orange) any continuous recordings will show. If it is deactivated (grey) any continuous recordings will be hidden. Is applicable for FarmCam HD.

3. Any Motion. Is used to sort your videos. If only any motion is activated (orange) all videos where the recording was triggered by any motion will show. If it is deactivated (grey) all videos that where triggered by any motion will be hidden. Is applicable for  FarmCam HD.

4. Person. Is used to sort your videos. If only person is activated (orange) all videos where the recording was triggered by a person will show. If you have persons deactivated (grey) all videos where the recording was triggered by a person will be hidden. Is applicable for battery cameras FarmCam Mobility/Mobility S and FarmCam 360/360S.

5. Vehicle. Is used to sort your videos. If only vehicle is activated (orange) all videos where the recording was triggered by a vehicle will show. If you have vehicle deactivated (grey) all videos where the recording was triggered by a vehicle will be hidden. Is applicable for FarmCam Mobility/Mobility S and FarmCam 360/360S.

6. Others. Is used to sort your videos. If only other is activated (orange) all videos where the recording was triggered by other will show. If you have other deactivated (grey) all videos where the recording was triggered by other will be hidden. Is applicable for FarmCam Mobility/Mobility S and FarmCam 360/360S.

7. Snapshot. Takes a photo of the video.

8. Download (playing video). Download the video currently playing.

9. Stream. Set the quality of the video. You can choose from High or Low.

10. Advance Frame by Frame. By clicking on this button you can choose to watch the video frame by frame, i.e. you will watch the video through a series of photos. To see the next frame you will have to click the the button again, one press means you move one frame forward in the video.

11. Play. Play recording.

12. Speed. You can slow down the video speed. The available options are 1x (normal), 0.5x and 0.25x.

13. Download (choose video). You can select the videos that you wish to download from the selected day. See the following link for more detailed instructions

14. Cut. Select which videos from a 24 hours period that you wish to download.

15. Volume. Controls the volume. 

16. Full Screen. The recording will open in full screen.

17. Recorded videos during 24 hours. Show when and how many videos have been recorded during 24 hours for the selected date. You can use the minus sign (left) and plus sign (right) to zoom in and out on a specific time period within the 24 hours.